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Our clients

NHS Education for Scotland

  • Date: 2024
  • Location: Dundee
  • Service: Relocation


We recently completed an office relocation for NHS Education for Scotland (NES) at their new Dundee location. We moved IT equipment, staff belongings, furniture, filing systems, and other essentials between two Dundee offices, and additional items to the NES office in Edinburgh. Before starting the relocation, our team worked closely with NES to plan the logistics and finalise the schedule.

Client Testimonial

Corporate Moves supported NHS Education for Scotland in undertaking a relocation within Dundee and, at all times, their service and support was exemplary from arranging the original quotation to the porters on the day of the move. They made the task of relocating very easy.

Nicola Todd, NHS Education for Scotland

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We moved Hoare Lea, a renowned engineering consultancy, to their new office in the iconic McLellan Works building on Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street.
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Little’s Chauffeur Drive

The Corporate Moves team supported Little’s Chauffeur Drive with the relocation to their new offices in Glasgow.
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North Sea Transition Authority

The Corporate Moves team in Aberdeen recently completed a large, two-phase relocation and furniture installation for around 100 staff for the North Sea Transition Authority.
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